Light Touch Hands on Healing

Reiki Sessions

Hands on Healing

Kelli’s reiki sessions will immediately, subtly yet powerfully transition your nervous and chakra systems into coherence. She also is a master coach and space-holder- she listens before and after the session to what your body, mind and spirit need during the session, and helps connect you to the communications your body speaks while held in the safety of a reiki session. Soft, natural rhythms and sacred smudging or aromatherapy gifts will help transform your experience.

Reiki can be a very helpful adjunct to care and synergizes with other healing methods beautifully. The medicine reiki will bring into your life is potent. Some conditions require a single session, while other conditions benefit from ongoing treatment. Kelli does not dictate the frequency or intensity of sessions, she allows you to intuit what is right for you in your healing journey.

Overall, reiki offers a deep sense of rest and rejuvenation while supporting release of emotions held in the body and spirit. Reiki offers cellular support and relief of pain and discomfort, allowing ease in sleep and release of stress and anxiousness. Reiki is long known to support people with chronic health conditions and through the process of cancer treatments.

Kelli has a clean, comfortable private therapy space at the office building at Retribe in Underhill, at the base of Mt. Mansfield (adjacent to the state park). Your session will start with a palo santo, sage, or other cleansing aromatherapy oils she has to choose from. Flower essence remedies will also be accessible during the session and available for purchase after as needed.

You will receive a full hour of reiki with concentration on areas of concern or in need of healing, a chakra cleanse and balancing, which all assist in releasing old patterns and making space for universal positive energy- that is Reiki- to flow.

Your healing needs and life path goals are the focus for the entire 90 minute healing session. Connect to your highest healing good with an attentive, compassionate therapist and wellness coach.

90 mins |  $144  

“I will not rescue you, for you are not powerless. I will not fix you, for you are not broken. I will not heal you, for I see you in your wholeness. I will walk with you through the darkness as you remember your light.”

— A Medicine Women’s Prayer

Contact Kelli.

Location coming soon!